A Guided Tour of the Exclude Robot by Agent Module

I've had a deluge of requests for a walkthrough of my latest module and the way it can help with excessive garbage data in the xDB. In this video I'll introduce the xDB to non-developers, talk about identifying the cyber attack, and how we can ignore/not capture the false traffic to your site.

You can read more about this module at the Introducing the Exclude Robots by Agent Module, or get a copy straight from GitHub

About MNP Digital

You'll see the presentation is branded as MNP Digital. I was first introduced to Sitecore when I joined them over 8 years ago, when I was interviewing at a few companies on my return to Canada. There were a few reasons for choosing them, most of all how well they treat each other and are truly a 2nd family. For more information you can visit our digital services site at MnpDigital.ca or our Sitecore partnership page. Hey, we're always hiring too, so send a me message if you're interested!