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Banner image for Sitecore Bucketed URLs Are a Thing of the Past, With the Custom URL Resolver article

In my last post, I shared a way to hide bucketed folders from Sitecore URLs to make them more SEO friendly. So how do we find an item if part of the standard URL is missing? In this post I'll show you how with the custom URL resolver.

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Banner image for Sitecore Bucketed URLs Are a Thing of the Past, With the Custom Link Provider article

If you've ever seen a bucketed URL, you'd know it. Dates are made to be part of the URL, which allows for a larger number of children under a single parent, when there's usually a limit of 100. This is common in areas like blog postings, press releases, etc. But did you know the date folders can be optional? In this first part of a two-part series, I'll show you how.

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