Spring Into Sitecore Was a Real Thing!

I know, the people in this stock photo are not developers. We're introverted folk who tend to think more about bits and bytes than smiling. But it happened, and I'm proud to have hosted this Sitecore User Group at MNP Digital's Ottawa office, and it'll be the first of many!

I swear I didn't see the learning promo, “Spring into Sitecore” when I made the announcement for this event, but hey, it's catchy! Question is will they use our next event, Sizzling Summer of Sitecore? I'm thinking an outdoor venue with sun and syntax! Thanks to everyone who participated!

A special thanks to Kamruz Jaman from Konabos, who presented XM Cloud Forms which generated some great discussions. There's a lot of potential with this welcome feature.

Stay Tuned

Like I said there will be more events, so stay tuned for our mid-summer event!