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Banner image for Using the Sitecore 9.2 Installation Assistant and Why There's Still Room for Improvement article

The Sitecore Installation Framework has been a tremendous advancement in Sitecore instance management, but completely dropping the installer wasn't necessarily needed. The feedback was heard and with the release of Sitecore 9.2, an installer has been reintroduced. It brings up most of the way there, but there's still some room for improvement. We'll cover the installation of 9.2 with this assistant and what else is needed that it doesn't provide.

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Banner image for Adding a 2nd Publishing Target to Your Sitecore Environment, and Why It's a Good Idea article

Each of my scaled environments will have at least two publishing targets. Yes, you can use Sitecore's preview tools, but this has its limitations. After decades of working with marketing teams I can say it's always a good idea to have a private URL, only available to the company, where they can review pending changes for an upcoming campaign etc., without having to log in.

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Banner image for Making the Most of the Sitecore Symposium article

By now you're probably planning for this year's Sitecore Symposium in Orlando Florida, and if you're anything like me, you're figuring out what you want to see and who you want to speak with. Ok well, if you're going and not doing that, you should be, because whether you're footing your own bill or going on the company dime you owe it to someone to make the trip as effective as possible. Every time I go to the Symposium I wind up selling our services a little bit, getting a demo of something really edge case that applies to our requirements, seeing what's new and spectacular, and of course, enjoying the events!

So, with such a large amount of goings-on in a short amount of time the key to success is planning ahead. I've put together a few dos and don'ts that I can live by, which you might want to consider. 

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